This fork changing project came about whilst on a club ride, when they were discussing the pros and cons of carbon forks. I had read articles about carbon forks having a "shelf life" and then the discussion turned to riders changing them every two or three years and the durability of steel forks. So once the seed of doubt was sown I decided to thoroughly check mine out, as they have been on the bike for over three years.
I dropped them out of the bike and checked them over with a torch looking for hairline cracks especially around the steering tube. The only fault I could find was where the mudguard had rubbed a groove into the left hand fork, but this was mainly paint rubbed off, but there was a groove.
Hence the seed of doubt........... I temporarily remedy this by cutting away a section from the mudguard under the fork crown.
So after a couple of weeks of thinking about it I decided to change them for steel ones. and ordered some replacement steel forks from Genesis. The forks are the same as fitted to the current models.

The first job is to fit the crown race ring. There are specialist tools for this but You tube always comes up with an alternative and this was to use a bottom bracket spanner and a chisel with a heavily padded head to tap and seat the race correctly.
The bottom bracket spanner and a hammer to tap it down
and the padded chisel to makes sure its fully seated.
Tapping gently evenly around the edge ensures that the race isn't damaged.
The next job is to cut the steerer tube to the required length. I used a 30mm pipe cutter.
Always measure twice and cut once, and allow space for the star nut to fit inside the cut tube to give a firm fixing on the handlebar stem.
As I'm older and dont want a racing position when riding, I prefer a longer steering tube for the handlebar stem, so plenty of spacers.
All finished, and the most fiddly bit is getting the mudguard stays even.
Was it worth it, can I tell the difference?. They steel forks are heavier, but then it was never a particularly light bike in the first place. I've ridden it a few miles and its as comfortable as it always has been and the steering and feel from the road seems much the same.
But probably the main difference is that now the seed of doubt has gone..