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Monday, June 18, 2007

Vale of Glamorgan

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A pleasant morning spent cycling the lanes of the Vale. Its looking good with all the flowers and greenery.
Working clockwise from top its;
1. The pub in the village of Llanmaes. I thought I had a good shot but back home I realised that a telegraph pole partially obscures the name.
2. A cottage wall on to way into Llanmaes.
3. Valerian seems to be everywhere. If you enlarge this you can see across the valley, the huge Jumbo Jet hanger of Cardiff Airport.
4. The ford in Llancarfan. Not many of these around now.


  1. It must be nice to ride along these paths, but don't forget your "imperméable"! How do you translate this word, Davem?

  2. Raincoat, I think...Where is my poor brain?

  3. waterproofs perhaps?
    Damn but that looks nice. I may just get my bike out for the afternoon.

  4. I love all the pictures you share of your locale - it's like another world to me. I especially like the one of the ford. You have some fantastic views on your bike trips.

  5. Your country side is so very pretty and green, just breath taking. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I like the pinkish plants in the pics, do you know what they are?

    I agree, that they are a lovely views. I particulary like the 2nd one, and the 3rd ! :o)

  7. How could anyone stay inside with beauty like this all around them? Lovely.

  8. How beautiful. It looks like a lovely spot for a ride. I like how you've shown us four pictures here. That's a nice touch.

  9. Davem, here is my answer to your question: Nikon D70, zoom 28/300. Good evening!


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