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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

More old and new

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The top building was originally a wholesale potato warehouse which became derelict.
The lower one was a canal bridge, now a cyclepath and walkway. All now far better from what I remember, but were they better than the originals. If Cardiff had kept all its canals it would be a very interesting city today, the Venice of Wales maybe.


  1. I agree with you, Davem: in France too, many cities changed their canals or rivers into cars parks or roads, like Rennes in Brittany for example...The car is our dictator!

  2. Here hang on a mo... why can't Venice be 'The Cardiff of Italy' for a change...

  3. These are such interesting pictures, especially the bridge. I like the shape of it.

  4. I do enjoy looking at the beautiful mushroom shape of the tunnel there.

  5. These are great restorations; in the town I live in, there are few old buildings, and none from the time period you show so often.

    I remember when I was young in my hometown; the Post Office was a large brick building that took up a corner lot, possible one of the oldest there.

    It was torn down, instead of restoring it, to make way for a store.

    And the Post Office became this ultra modern building that had no character, as far as I could see.

    Thanks for posting pictures of Cardiff...it's very interesting to me.

  6. Thankk you all, pleased you enjoy the pictures and that you find them interesting. But then when you post local pictures they interest me.

  7. Interesting little history here about how Britan had looked once..

    Like the style of that bridge though.

  8. I didn't know that Cardiff had canals. I think the building and the bridge look very nice now. That looks like a lovely bike path and it's great to have a specific place for cyclists.

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