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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Cosmeston Lakes

These are the reed beds on one of the lakes.
Cosmeston Park is recreational park catering for many tastes.
Please check out the links for more information.
One of my favourites is the medieval village, and the tours of this are well worth it. You are accompanied by a medieval guide, who acts out the role as if he has no knowledge of the modern world. You can imagine how intrigued the kids are when he asks them how they got here and they have to describe what a car / bus is.


  1. Dave, that certainly sounds like a fun tour! I had fun just catching up on your pictures - wonderful - as usual. And that Puffin! I would give anything to see one in 'person'!

  2. Hey Dave, medieval village sounds interesting..thanks for the link...

  3. The story of Kenfig was fascinating to me. I just finished a book, The Last Hard Times, about the dust storms in the central plains (1930's) of the United States, which were caused by devastation of the grasses that kept the soil intact. It was a human tragedy in the US and one there as well, I think.

  4. How nice to find your site again Dave. I really liked that picture of the lighthouse on Lundy. Reminds me of past times.
    I am very flattered to find myself linked from someone as well. Thanks. I need to work on a list of them myself now!

  5. Dave, I think you are an avid reader. I've been called that myself.


As you have taken the time to read my blog and comment then whenever possible I will always reply. Thank you. Dave