Since I've not posted for a while I thought I'd better do something, so here's a series of pictures taken on a bike ride from Taffs Well to Rhymney.
Its mostly trail riding with a few strtetches of road connecting the various trails and all in all its about 35 miles.
The route is mainly along the Taf Trail and Sustrans routes 468.
Its a mostly well signposted route.

A mixture of roads and trails

This route marker is made out old chains which were once made around Pontypridd .
The trail is well used by walkersas well, with off shoots to explore.
I had to stop off here and buy some of Wendy's blackberry and raspberry jam. What a bargain!
Fish ladders as well.

This is the famous Handball court in Nelson. One of the few in the country.
Lots of bridges too.
and at the end of the ride you can cheat and take the train back!!!