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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Meeting up with family

This is the first post I've done using the new Blogger and it takes a while to find your way around.

I thought it was time to do a fresh post and one not about bikes or bits of bike.  Most of the time during lockdown has been taken up with DiY stuff around the house, like many others I guess, and also because the weather has been kind, there has been ample opportunity to get out on the bike. [See the Strava panel]  Although most of the rides have been solo, in the last few weeks we have gone out in pairs which is good as you get fed up of talking to yourself!!

With the relaxing of the travel restrictions in Wales, last week was the first time we have seen the grandchildren since March, so it was good to spent time with them, going for walks and just playing around.  

Bug hunting is always a good way to get kids enjoying a walk .

As we were in Hampshire an interesting place is the Danebury Hill fort .  
Its also a good wildlife and plant reserve.

Picture from website.

 Hopefully the restrictions will continue to ease, campsites and facilities  will reopen and we can go away in the van.

Fingers crossed that with moving back to normal there isn't a big second wave of the virus which coincides with winter flu and we have to enter into a lockdown again.  


  1. Great pictures!
    Glad you got to see the kids, that sounds fun.
    The lock down will return sadly, too many think the virus has gone.
    Enjoy being out while you can!

  2. I have a feeling that lockdown will return but I think it will be targeted on areas where there is an outbreak. This government will do anything to avoid a national lockdown.
    We went to Tesco's in Andover and it was almost normal apart from distancing at the checkouts, very different from shopping in Wales.
    All the best.

  3. I think this will still be with us into next year, Dave. Unless there is a vaccine breakthrough. But good to know you are enjoying it whilst you can.

    I am going out for rides with my cycling buddy (81, like me, and a fellow ebike user) but we have to find seating (usually in a churchyard) for our own elevenses since all local cafes are still off limits.

    Glad you are managing the new blogger. I am viewing it (when it comes to me) with trepidation.

    1. Good to hear that you are back cycling again after your setback. All credit to you for that as sometimes the confidence can take a knock. The way forward with this virus is testing and a vaccine and fingers crossed thats available soon.

  4. Nice to hear that you have managed to see your grandchildren Dave. A couple of weeks ago I had to drive up to Bournemouth to attend a hospital appointment and managed to see my daughter and my grandsons at the same time .... Unfortunately at that time we were not allowed overnight stays so it was a drive up and back all in one day.

    1. Yes it was good to be able to stay over for a few days. Its things like this we miss and which were taken for granted before.

  5. HI Dave so good to you posting...I agree we have to sort of change up our norm and carry on...I end up going to the same refuge because now the general public who never was interested in nature before suddenly found it so I go where I am pretty much alone and can just enjoy being out and not worry about the social distancing thing..We will stay 6 ft apart or end up 6 ft under I guess!! Im certain of a new spike here as fools can't seem to adjust. Let us enjoy it while we can. Cheers.

  6. Hi Sondra, yes lots more people have suddenly become interested in the countryside and taking exercise and yes there is good and bad to that, I've noticed a lot more litter about the place.Face masks are becoming the norm here in shops and on public transport. We have to try and avoid that second wave which may coincide with the winter flu. Take care.

  7. Hi Dave, how nice to see you posting again. I love the new header. Very pretty. How nice to be able to enjoy your grandchildren and take walks and find bugs. Normal is not normal, and maybe will never be the way it was a year ago. But we do what we have too. Not letting the world steal my JOY, and continue to live life the best we can, and sometimes, just put on some good music and dance around the house. Blessing to you and your family.

    1. Thanks Wanda, yes normal may never be the same again or at least for a long time, so we just have to be careful and get on with life.


As you have taken the time to read my blog and comment then whenever possible I will always reply. Thank you. Dave