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Monday, December 17, 2007


If thou of fortune be bereft,
And in thy store there be but left,
Two loaves, sell one, and with the dole,
Buy Hyacinths to feed thy soul.
And if you can't find a hyacinth then a cyclamen will do!


  1. I've always admired these unique flowers but never had much success keeping one alive. Beautiful capture Dave.

  2. I don't know if it's because of the cold, but I can't see your cyclamen :-(. I'll come back later!

  3. Oh Dave. Flowers have always been high on my priority list. My friends laugh when I tell them, "I buy flowers, and if there is any money left, I pay the rent and buy groceries." My rent has never been late, and we've never gone hungry...but fresh flowers have always been on my table!
    Love the Cyclamen...beautiful, and your photo magnificent.

  4. Once I had a purple cyclamen that grew almost as big as the table upon which it sat. And it rebloomed for several years before finally saying good-bye forever.

    Thank you, Dave, for the link about mushrooms. There's a wealth of mushroom information there. I haven't yet identified the ones in my front yard.

  5. I love the poem and the photo. Those are such pretty pink flowers. You must have the green thumb!

  6. I have a dark pink cyclamen living in my kitchen. I've had it for over 5 years and even though I am useless at watering it, it always comes back with lovely colour.

  7. The poem is very nice and so is the flower.
    I have no luck with live plants, and envy anyone that does.

  8. These are pretty flowers, seen some the other day while out walking the dog.

    Will keep you informed when the other blog is up.

    Have a nice winter warm christmas with your family.

  9. These overwinter outside in the garden, here. I will miss them when I move, they have such a delicate flower.


As you have taken the time to read my blog and comment then whenever possible I will always reply. Thank you. Dave