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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Treorchy and more...........

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Ever heard of the Treorchy male voice choir? Well this is where they are from.

I cycled this route today, and with the sun on the hills its a really beautiful place.
I appreciate having it more or less on my doorstep.


  1. Oh what fond memories you bring back of both Rhondda valleys! I think I will just now be off to listen to Treorchy Male Choir!

  2. There's not much I can say about those views other than WOW!
    Looks stunning out there - sadly I've never been to the Rhondda Valley, but I sure want to now!

  3. How beautiful nestled in the valley like that - what a gorgeous spot.
    I've not heard of this choir but will be checking this out.

  4. Those rolling hills are so beautiful. I enjoyed seeing the sheep grazing when I enlarged the first one. I would love to hear someone speaking in Welsh sometime. I must check out the choir now.

  5. Ha! This is what I have been singing all day long!! Singing, not just humming mind you! Your fault entirely :-)

    "Paham mae dicter, O Myfanwy,
    Yn llenwi'th lygaid duon di?
    A'th ruddiau tirion, O Myfanwy,
    Heb wrido wrth fy ngweled i?
    Pa le mae'r wên oedd ar dy wefus
    Fu'n cynnau 'nghariad ffyddlon ffôl?
    Pa le mae sain dy eiriau melys,
    Fu'n denu'n nghalon ar dy ôl?

    Myfanwy boed yr holl o'th fywyd
    Dan heulwen ddisglair canol dydd.
    A boed i rosyn gwridog iechyd
    I ddawnsio ganmlwydd ar dy rudd.
    Anghofia'r oll o'th addewidion
    A wnest i rywun, 'ngeneth ddel,
    A dyro'th law, Myfanwy dirion
    I ddim ond dweud y gair "Ffarwél".

  6. I wonder if you ever been clocked going over the speed limit on your bicycle...by the way what is the speed limit there?

    I am not sure if I have heard this male choir or not...something to look into to check out and see if I have or not.

    Very beautiful pictures of the landscape, looks very peaceful there and those rolling hills seems to go on forever.

    I be sending you an email shortly

  7. What a beautiful place you live and cycle in!

    I have not heard of the choir either, like Janice I'll check it out.


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