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Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow - At least its seasonal

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If only we could cope with it, when we have snow like this, the whole country just grinds to a halt.
But this has happened now for the last two years, and if its the weather pattern of the future then surely we have to change and invest in facilities to deal with adverse weather.


  1. Same here. It's so bad this morning that I'm working from home. You'd think that this being the XXIst century we'd know that autumn can be winter... Isn't it gloriously pretty though?

  2. It's true that when snow in winter is the norm, everyone is accustomed to driving and getting around in it. Most of us here have 4x4 vehicles, though...quite a few roads are left unploughed here. It is too vast to service all of it.

    It's funny...when it rains is when it becomes bad. The gravel used for traction on the roads bounces up and has broken a few of our windshields!

    Your photos are lovely...Merry Christmas, Dave!


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