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Friday, January 18, 2008

You make my day.

Alice has given me a "You make my day " award. Thank you for this !

The award rules say: "Give the award to at least 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel good. I have just listed the blogs that I read daily, so thank you all for your posts. I usually read your blogs with my coffee just before I leave for work."

Alice -Whose blog always makes me want to go back to cycle Brittany again.

Annie -Thank you for showing me around Little Rock.

Kat -Who leads an amazingly hectic life and is the Queen of multi tasking.

Anita - for being a great pen friend and who first introduced me to Blogging.

Meredic - a fellow cyclist and who has a great way with words.

Lori -for showing me more of the Big Apple than I would ever see on a trip there.

Wanda -for your sincerity.

Jayne - a gifted and a very comical writer.

Sandy - who doesn't post as often as I would like.

Sheldon Brown - who is not well at the moment, and can only be described as a genius with bicycles. His web site is certainly a must visit, not only for cyclists, as its worth reading about all the things Sheldon has done.

Marion - I'm really looking forward to reading about the move further north .

Merry - who is about to start a new and exciting chapter in her life.


  1. Dave, Thank You! You make my day too with your optimistic attitude and pictures of places I will never have an opportunity to see up close and personal.

  2. Thank you Dave! You live in a beautiful part of the world and I enjoy reading your blog every day and seeing your photos!

  3. Thank you Dave for being my pen friend over all of these years, and now I know you are hooked to blogging!! :)

  4. Aw I am embaressed now, and I shall have to get the bike out from under the stairs.

  5. Don't forget to tell me when you'll cross the Channel with your byke!

  6. Thank you Dave !! I am indeed honoured.. Have a great week.

  7. Thank you Dave...this wonderful Award "You make my Day" is being passed around because there are so many wonderful bloggers that make our days!

    Dave you are one that makes mine too!!

  8. Dave, your photos are so often of places I have dreamed about seeing...and quite often they and your optimism do make my day! Thank you!


As you have taken the time to read my blog and comment then whenever possible I will always reply. Thank you. Dave