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Monday, September 06, 2021

Local wildflowers

I walked along the footpath / cycleway which follows the line of the  old Heath to Treforest railway, which took coal from the nearby colleries to Cardiff Docks for export.  The footpath is on an embankment and nature has reclaimed the sides with a nice mix of common wildflowers.  I've named them but let me know if you think differently.

Hemp Agrimony




Turkeytail Fungi


Oxeye daisy

A Cool Dude?


Japanese Knotweed. 
 The Victorians imported this and it's now a curse , it devalues property and is virtually indestructible.


Himalayan Balsam 

Again another imported plant and is a great one for the kids because when you press the seed pods they explode and scatter the seeds.  If you dont know, it makes you jump.


  1. The only one I would recognize is the "daisy". But I do remember "Arsinic and Old Lace" and Elderberry wine...haha.

  2. I remember my Grans elderberry wine too, it came out when someone had a cold.

  3. HI Dave great to see you been out with your camera, I enjoyed seeing all the plants...I have Soap Wart growing in my flower beds...the bees love it. And of course we have the thistle and the blackberries, Native Plants are such a treasure.
    Side note: MY camera is in danger as it was shipped Fed Ex, and they are notorious for not delivering, and the customer service is horrid! It was supposed to be here Sunday did not arrive now it states on truck for delivery...I ordered a phone on August 5th and it also says "out for delivery" I got a refund on that and purchased a new phone, I made a report, they said they would had filed a "tracker" report and I never heard one more word about it. IM Whacked out waiting.
    Hope your week is good!

  4. It's horrible when you have a delivery date and it doesn't turn up. Fingers crossed it is ok .
    Very hot here with temperatures at 28C [82F] unseasonal weather for sure, although we do get some warm days in September. Back to normal tomorrow thought with some rain in the evening.
    I'll be thinking of you and the delivery.


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